About Me

Party Signs, Decorations and Special Event Banners

My name is Mike, and ever since I was small, I have loved making celebratory signs. I was always the kid with the 'welcome home' or 'happy birthday' sign at my house, and as soon as my parents bought our first computer, I started making signs using software programming. I followed that path later in life and have helped many friends design their signs. I love special occasion signs in particular. If you own a business, are planning a party, or have a special event coming up, please explore this space. It has everything you ever wanted to know about signs and hopefully more!


Party Signs, Decorations and Special Event Banners

How You Can Truly Shine As a Business Owner Using a Technique You May Not Have Considered

by Charlotte Harvey

Unless you are extremely lucky as a businessman or woman, you will probably have a good deal of competition in your field. This means that you have to do whatever you can to stand apart from your opposition, and remember that they will be doing their best to outgun you as well. If you have a bricks and mortar operation then your location can be particularly busy as well. This is why it's a good idea to consider a special type of signage, so that people really sit up and take notice of you. What should you be considering?

Illuminating the Subject

The chances are that your business is open during the hours of darkness at some stage during the year and you will need to consider illuminated signs for the outside. You could choose to be conventional or fluorescent, but if you want a certain edge then the latest specification LED lighting should be on your radar as well.

Value for Money

If you do choose LED you will have an advantage over the older bulbs in so far as your investment will last a lot longer. Expect this type of bulb to last for several years longer than the alternative and it will also maintain its fluorescence throughout this period. 

What Did You Say?

While fluorescent can sometimes be a bit difficult to read in different weather conditions, LED does not have this challenge. You won't have to squint in the early morning sunshine to determine the message being displayed by LED and should be able to focus on the all-important wording in any types of condition.

Looking Good

LED lighting also provides a very uniform appearance that's not subject to individual bulb failure. Many conventional signs remain only partially illuminated at night when the owner fails to notice that a particular letter is no longer shown. This can create a bad impression for the business, to say nothing of confusing potential customers.

Weather Resistant

Conventional bulbs are somewhat difficult to clean especially when they've been active, as they tend to be very hot. This can be a disadvantage and in certain circumstances can cause glass tubes to break. If harsh weather is the norm at your location, then you may have to invest in additional protection for those bulbs, so that they don't break or fail.

Putting Your Name in Lights

When you consider all the advantages of LED, this should be the option for you. It's likely that your opposition has not considered this cutting-edge tool either, so you could be in good stead. Have a word with your supplier to get the right configuration.
