My name is Mike, and ever since I was small, I have loved making celebratory signs. I was always the kid with the 'welcome home' or 'happy birthday' sign at my house, and as soon as my parents bought our first computer, I started making signs using software programming. I followed that path later in life and have helped many friends design their signs. I love special occasion signs in particular. If you own a business, are planning a party, or have a special event coming up, please explore this space. It has everything you ever wanted to know about signs and hopefully more!
When some people think of LED signs, they envision the nightlife. Thus, they may be under the presumption that LED signage does not have a place in commercial spaces, as this may affect the customers' views of the brand image. But this is not true. While the LED signs utilised for bars and nightclubs may seem tackily designed, hiring the right signage company will ensure you have tastefully designed illuminated signs that demand an audience. In fact, the right LED designs can function as an effective marketing strategy, especially if they are interesting enough to be posted on social media. If you have been thinking that LED signage has run its course, here is why it has not.
Undeniably striking
The main reason why you would invest in signage in the first place is to ensure whatever message you are communicating will be seen. When compared to other types of signage, LED signs are undeniably the most conspicuous. This striking appearance is especially beneficial for businesses that operate through the night since the light from the LED will catch the eye of potential customers. Not to mention that this striking appearance also makes the LED signs highly noticeable in crowded areas, such as if your business is located in a busy mall or street. Moreover, you have the option of customising the colours of your LED signs.
Surprising longevity
Some business owners may be sceptical about investing in LED signage because they presume replacing the bulbs will become a chore. And if the bulb is dead, then the LED signs are rendered useless. However, what you may not know is that LED bulbs last many years longer than regular incandescent bulbs. As long as you clean the signage routinely, you will not have to worry about premature replacement of the LEDs.
Room for creativity
When it comes to alternative types of signage, there is not much room for creativity. Granted, you can play around with the colour and the font, but this is about it. LED signs, conversely, allow you to make the most of your creative flair. For starters, the shapes of the signs can be customised to any form you want. Thus, you do not have to have the same specifications for all the LED signage you choose to mount at your business's premises. In addition to this, you can also get creative with the brightness of the colours, which helps with highlighting some elements more than others. When you work with a reputable signage company, you can be assured of making the most of your LED signs to make them appear to be an extension of your business.
To learn more, contact a company that sells signs.